Simonetta Tronci Servant of God

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a single prayer for Simona

Simona Blessed soon


It is a beautiful story ... go through it ... and let your emotions flourish ... even if they turn into tears ... Tears are always the prelude to joy, just like the calm after a storm. Let the sun warm up your life!

Simona may be your answer. Discover her, read about her but, most of all, experience her emotions!

Even we got to know about her by chance. She struck us and fascinated us, she coloured our life with the colours of spring. Her story is like the season of spring.

We gathered information about her from various sources. We interviewed her friends, her relatives and her parents. They told us about her and about her youth, about her determination and about the passion with which she lived her short life ... "A day is like a thousand years ... a thousand years are like one day".

We interviewed her Community – the old friends of Simona who together with her set up the Community over thirty years ago.

They gave us articles, interviews, told us stories about her and little secrets so that we would be able to let people know about them. We present them to you as precious pearls ... and we undertake to bring all this to you faithfully and with the same intensity with which Simona lived her twenty three years ...

An extraordinary girl in her ordinary and everyday life, Simona was born in Cagliari on 13 October 1960, the third of six children in a wealthy family.

She led a normal and ordinary life: she went to school, attended Catechism lessons and practiced sport in her childhood and her youth. At school her teachers considered her as a committed student who did her studies well and with a lively intelligence. She used to attend the Dettori high school in Cagliari where she successfully achieved her certificates.

When she was seventeen years old she got to know a group of youngsters who were her age. A friendship developed amongst them, but it was mainly a friendship that took root from the school years that they spent together ... it was a search for the more authentic values, a search for something that went beyond, the answer to the meaning of life ... It was the awakening of what was then called the gruppo Primavera where she was the most important and leading animator.

In 1979 she enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the University ... and after that she joined the Pontifica Facoltà Teologica of Sardinia, always in Cagliari.

Simona was admitted and became one of the first laywomen on the island who dedicated herself to the study of theology.

At the same time Simona went ahead with her engagement to her boyfriend with a view to setting up a family and in 1983 she had her first experience of teaching ... but the first signs of her illness now appeared ... this was a new experience that she herself described as follows: "... I feel inside me as if my life is being renewed, I feel an encouragement that strengthens me, a new faith that provides me with consolation ...".

And the story goes on ... Go ahead! Then ... send us your comments and your views.



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